I just slapped on a fresh coat of paint in my living room...well, I did not do it but my little handyman that
makes my frames did it....it is really
nice having a
nice handyman around! My living room has been painted an
earthy sage green for the past four years. I began disliking that paint color about three minutes after it was
lathered on the walls. My living room gets absolutely zero natural light, therefore, the earthtones did nothing to
brighten things up.
When we went to Canton, Texas about a month ago, we stayed in my friends bed-n-breakfast. I quickly fell
in love with the paint color she had in her converted garage.....
Beach Cottage by Waverly. I matched it up
toPorter Paints
Colonial Aqua. My ceilings, which are sloped and have wood (I mean foam) beams, have
been painted
DelicateWhite in a semi gloss finish. I am hoping this finish will help bounce some natural light
Have a mentioned lately I have got to put the metal to the pedal or else the Spring Sale (April 28-30) will be
here and you guys will only have two pieces of furniture to choose from. I wouldn't do that to ya....would I?
Speaking of Canton, Tx......I have had lots of STUFF occupying my mind lately. My husband, my friend
Delanie, and I went to Canton, Tx, the first part of February on a buying trip (which I have not yet
blogged about....oops). After driving nine hours, we stopped and spent the night in a hotel. When we
woke up the next morning, Vic noticed his pee was a little (lot) discolored.....by the end of the day it
looked like grapefruit juice. As the day progressed, he started running a fever and having pain under his left
flank....we immediately thought kidney stone, yet deep down, I feared something more complicated. My
friend Cassie (a sorority sister from Ole Miss who we were staying with) pulled some ropes and got Vic in
with her personal doctor.....he too suspected kidney stones. Needless to say,Vic's situation along with about
six inches of unanticipated snow, made for a not-so-productive trip..... you would not have been able to tell
the "not-so-productive" part from the truck...we were packed in there like sardines. Despite his misery, he
hung with us....Vic was a true champ.
When we got back home to Tennessee, Vic immediately went to see his regular doctor....Since then, lots of
tests have been ran....ct scans, ultra sounds, blood work, etc. Last week Vic was diagnosed with Chronic
Kidney Disease Stage 3. Today, he had a bioposy to try and determine where the blood in his urine is
coming from....we won't know the results of it til Thursday. BTW, most people with CKD live a
relatively normal lifestyle.
In situations like these (which have been few and far between for me), your mind tends wander to places
it doesn't belong. I have been praying to God to just let me take this one day at a time and not get caught up
in all the worrying and "what if's." I am leaning on my Lord very strongly right now and I hope I will continue
to do so........He is my Sustainer, my everything. I have not always had the faith I now have ...Thank
goodness I have it.....for without it, I would have already crumbled. For not so long ago, I did not live like I
should have....I did not love like I should have....I did not give like I could have.
Vic told me the other night that through all this, he hoped to be a better Christian, a better husband, a better
father, a better son, a better brother and a better grandson. In my book, he can't get any better.....he is as
good as they come.