Friday, February 11, 2011

A Day of Fun

I think my kids have missed more snow days this school year than I missed my entire time in grade school.  I

think it's pretty and all....and I sure enjoy sleeping in, however, I have things to do.  When the kids are home,

I don't even attempt to do anything significant.....well, I can't do much anyway because:

1. I can't tolerate the cold

2. My garage is so crammed full of junk, I have no workspace

3. My building is so crammed full of junk, I have no workspace

4.My house is so crammed full of junk, I have no workspace

So, I have been spending my time doing a whole lot of nothing lately.  Today, we did make chocolate chip

cookies and snow creme that was super duper uber good.  I used a Paula Dean recipe that called for sweet

condensed milk and vanilla....highly recommend! I hope everyone enjoys their will be beautiful so

get outside and clean out your flowerbeds.

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